baby seats reviews
0-12 Months: What You Should Be Aware Of If you have never been around small babies or infants before, there are some important things that you should know. Just because they can’t walk, it doesn’t mean that they are always safe. If you are new at babysitting, or have a new baby in your extended family, here are some important things that you should know before you volunteer to keep the baby. *You should never let a baby get out of your eyesight. Unless the child is napping safely in a crib, you should never leave the room that a baby or infant is in. *If you are changing a baby’s diaper on a high surface such as a couch, bed, or table, you should have one hand on the child at all times. Even little newborns that can’t roll over can stretch, or startle, which can lead to a fall. *If the baby is in a car seat, infant seat, or a bouncy seat, you should never place it on a raised surface. Sudden movements by the child, or a jarring of a table, can send the baby into the floor. *Make sure that the area in your home where the baby will be located is free of blind and drape cords. You should also make sure that the baby can’t reach electrical cords, or phone cords. *An infant should never have access to plastic grocery store bags, or dry-cleaning bags. They can suffocate. *A child’s crib should be free of pillows and stuffed animals. They can cause suffocation. They may look pretty, but a child should never be left alone in their crib or playpen with these. *A baby should never be allowed to sleep on a waterbed, or a bed that is pushed up against a wall. Also, babies should never be placed near an open window. *Never leave your home without the baby, even if it is asleep. You should not even step across the yard to talk to the neighbor. You never know when an emergency might happen, such as a fire, fall from the crib, or being locked out of the house! *You should never leave an infant with a small child. Even a 5 or 6 year-old child can think they are older and stronger than they really are. If they try to pick up the infant, they could drop him. Even a bear hug to an infant could break its bones. *All baby and infant car seats should face the rear of the car. Follow all instructions in regards to the car seat. *Never, ever leave an infant in the car. It doesn’t matter if you are just stepping in to pay for gas. Weather conditions are hazardous to infants. Also, your child could be stolen. *Always do a thorough investigation of your home, and especially areas where the infant will be. Small, minute objects can choke an infant. Babies always have their hands in their mouths. Anything that is in their hands will come in contact with their mouths. *If you are giving an infant a bath, remember that these little people can drown in mere inches of water. You should always have a firm grip on a baby when you are giving them a bath.
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